Is it really Fitspiration?

Quick scroll of Instagram while you are on your coffee break? Why not? Get some inspiration for this afternoon’s lifting sesh. Get lost one popping booty after another, seeing more and more people kicking their goals.  Then head back to work and finish off the day. So why do I now feel like I am less than?

Am I really being positively motivated by these ‘Influencers’?

It is pretty common for most people to question whether or not their social media is taking away from their day rather than adding and to recognise they need to spend more time off the socials. So then what gives, why do we keep doing it and how do we make a change for the better?

Social comparison is very high on social networking sites, with many people passively using socials to browse rather than actively sharing or posting. 

  • More upward social comparison of oneself with those who are portraying a ‘better’ life on socials, possibly feeling some envy and inducing some depressive symptoms for some people.

  • Active use of socials (posting and sharing, disclosing is usually accompanied by an improvement in self-esteem unlike passive use (just browsing). 

  • Your own perception of your abilities and achievements may be at play. Upward social comparison with those who seem to be ‘better’ than you may affect you in a negative way if you have a poor perception of your own abilities to achieve. Versus if you have a positive perception of your abilities to achieve, whereby you may use upward social comparison to motivate you to set a goal and challenge yourself.

How do I make a change and do I need to?

Is my current social media use working for me? Is it really fitspiration? If the answer is no, find out what’s not working and change it.

Find yourself feeling envious and low after being on socials, maybe you need to limit the time spent on social media or the type of accounts you follow. Not confident in yourself, your abilities and constantly comparing yourself to others? Maybe it is time to start posting more and being more active rather than passive on your social media. Do you want to post more, but are too scared? Worried about what others may think of you? Perhaps we can help.  Limiting social media and the types of accounts you follow could be a good start. If you want more support to overcome this then reach out, I am here to help you with your performance and confidence needs.


Li, Yongzhan (02/2019). "Upward social comparison and depression in social network settings The roles of envy and self-efficacy". Internet research (1066-2243), 29 (1), p. 46.


Emotional Eating. A brief Intro.